Friday, September 29, 2006

I'am so sorry

I'm happy when you are,
I'm sad when you are,
I will always be on your side, whenever you need me

I'm sorry if my word lately "maybe" make you confuse
but, please dont change cause of it

I dont want to lose a best friend just because loving and caring...

I'm sorry....


Anonymous said...

so deep,


Anonymous said...

I'm happy when you are,
I'm sad when you are,
I'm will always be on your side, whenever you need me <<-- I am Will ???? Your name is Will ??? I thought you were belgaman hehehehe....-->>

I'm sorry if my word lately "maybe" make you confuse
but, please dont change cause of it

I dont want to lose a best friend just because loving and caring...

Haduh punten dit teu ngarti urang.. basa lokalna kumaha tah????
Kayaknya saya juga "agak" mengalami hal yang sama... (ato ge-er nature saya aja kalee yahhh....hehhehe)

Anonymous said...

saya yg salah fer :D
terima kasih sudah mengkoreksi, maklum aja toeflnya pas2an :)