Friday, September 08, 2006

late night activities

1 cup of "indocafe coffemix" + 1 cup "bandrek" + 1 chocolate of l..e + 2 Mind Mapping task + 1 presentation preparation.

accompanied by indo playlist in winamp, with an Lunar eclips (subhanallah) in the background sky (dont forget the voices of "takbiran").

all of this make my lonely perfected pathetic night completed

Paslabar, Friday September, 08, 2006. 2:38 AM


Anonymous said...

cukup sering da sy kya kmu td mlm dit, sorangan mlm2, krjain tgs, dtemenin musik (tp dr radio) sambil ngemil2 tgh mlm. slama masi ada siaran radio bgadang teruuus...!
btw takbir td mlm bikin suasana makin ...... :)

belgaman said...

ati2 ah, kebanyakan ngemil :p